
Food experiences curation

Hi Shilpa,

It was nice meeting you yesterday. The activities you enjoy are truly inspiring, and they give me optimism about finding an audience for the experiences we are or wish to curate. As you requested, here is the list of activities we are already offering or are in the process of curating:

  1. Foodwalks: You can find more details by clicking the link or checking our Airbnb experience listing.

The following experiences are nearly curated and will be launched in the coming season. Here is a little write-up about each of them:

Jaipur Urban

  • Innovative food beyond the streets: Numerous innovative food spaces are opening up beyond the streets in Jaipur. This experience takes you to those restaurants/cafes/foodspaces, doing amazing work through innovation, authenticity, and high-quality ingredients in Indian cuisine. These food artists deserve a celebration for their courage and creativity.
  • Cooking with street vendors: Have you ever wondered what goes on as street food vendors start their day? Explore a one-of-a-kind opportunity where you get to be part of their morning cooking team and also get to serve food to customers.
  • Cooking workshop at Arth
  • Dining with a family in a Haveli: Enjoy traditional, soulful Rajasthani cuisine with a family inside the walled part of Jaipur.

Jaipur Rural (Community visit cum Village tours)

  • Vinyasa Earth: Located in the countryside of Jaipur, VINYASA is a team of art connoisseurs who come together to bring out the artist in you. Experience their campus tour showcasing sustainable architecture, the dance Ashram, and more. The main highlights include a village tour, interacting with locals, visiting their homes, milking cows, a tractor ride, followed by a sunset meditation session at Vinyasa, and a special Rajasthani dinner.
  • Vatsalya campus tour: A home to homeless children, hope to marginalized communities, and strength to women, Vatsalya supports marginalized communities through various initiatives while also taking care of nature. Visit the ‘Carbon Neutral green Campus’ of Vatsalya to explore their initiatives, observe solar cooking for dinner, experience the ‘celestial and sky world’ with Vatsalya’s astronomy centre, and enjoy the immense peace. Optionally, a visit to a nearby village can also be curated.

I am also sharing the blog I wrote on one of my exploration journeys around Rajasthan. Hopefully, this will give you an idea of how I like to explore and maybe if you are interested, we can plan a bigger curation around Rajasthan. Check out the link here.

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